Anne Silea leads the Center for Rural Health Innovation for BioSTL and works to improve the health and economic vitality of underserved communities through innovation and coalition building. Anne has worked with organizations in the nonprofit sector for more than 16 years, helping to establish them as change leaders and advance their missions to better serve those in need and provide real impact on people’s lives.This includes managing the health advocacy efforts for a statewide nonprofit organization for 10 years, leading a county-wide ballot initiative to develop a sustainable fund for children’s mental health services in one of Missouri’s largest counties (it passed with 61% of the vote), and helping develop and support new statewide coalitions and organizations to address unmet needs in communities across Missouri. Anne holds a Master’s of Social Work from Saint Louis. She has served on the boards of Missouri Kids Count, St. Louis Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, and Missouri Health Care for All, and taught policy classes as an adjunct professor in the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis.