Asthma Blues ® I and II are constructed on evidence-based messaging attached to music that deliver the patient education goals of the EPR-3 (Component 2: Education for a Partnership in Care), and 5 of the 6 Key Priority Messages from the GIP (Guidelines Implementation Panel) Report. Through the science of music and learning, the songs from Asthma Blues I and II can store themselves into the memory of the learner.  A study was performed at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago using the music from Asthma Blues I with hospitalized adult asthma patients. The results show a 58% increase in asthma knowledge and self-management skills with participating patients.[1] The study was published in the American Association of Respiratory Care Journal, Respiratory Care Education Annual.

The music and concepts inherent in Asthma Blues I were used in the ACE (Asthma Control Everyday) program to create educational video vignettes funded by the Missouri Foundation for Health and produced in a partnership between the University of Missouri Children’s Hospital, AsthmaReady® Communities and CTK Clinical Consultants, LLC.[2] The ACE program was designed to educate asthma clinic patients and their families as well as being used as an educational tool for the local clinic worker or asthma educator in the State of Missouri. ACE is appropriate for school-age children with poorly controlled asthma and is currently in its fourth year of use.

The Asthma Blues® for Camps-Asthma Camp Tool Kit, based on the music from Asthma Blues I, was created in a collaboration with the Allergy and Asthma Network, Camp Asthmania and CTK Clinical Consultants, LLC. The music from Asthma Blues I and II was the asthma education foundation that the 2020 Virtual Young Teen Asthma and Wellness Camp was built on. The evidence-based asthma education music from Asthma Blues® is linked to other Young Teen Asthma and Wellness Camp curricula that includes Nutrition and Physical Activity.

[1] Respiratory Care Education Annual: Volume 22, Fall 2013, 45-48
